From Unmanaged to Maturity, Small & Midsize Companies Take Myriad Travel Management PathsAsked to highlight a primary goal for 2014, many respondents to BTN's Small & Medium Enterprise Report survey cited their desire to contain travel... KEEP READING
For SMEs, Payment Options Blossom"It's me," said Valerie Fender, Blackboard senior manager for corporate travel and expense, when asked how many people comprise the education software... KEEP READING
Small Accounts Not Always Easy Business for Corporate TMCsThe size of a company's spend does not necessarily reflect its approach to managing travel. Although there are many generalities relating to policy,... KEEP READING
SME Sourcing Opportunities Endure as Corporate Travel Demand RecoversEven without the leverage of the largest travel buyers, small and midmarket companies have opportunities for savings and sourcing strategies across the... KEEP READING
SMEs Eye Structured SMM ProgramsSince small and midsize businesses generally have fewer resources than larger corporations, they typically manage their meetings a little differently.... KEEP READING