The Benefits of Integrating Travel & Meetings ManagementBy Acquis Consulting principal & strategic meetings management group head Shimon AvishMany travel managers now find themselves tasked with managing meetings. On its face, this makes complete sense. After all, they are both travel related,... KEEP READING

You Just Found Out One of Your Suppliers' Data Was Breached. Now What?By Samantha Simms, The Information Collective senior principal & founderAfter the recent British Airways data breach, travel managers received a flurry of enquiries from anxious travelers wanting to know how their company... KEEP READING

New Math for Hotel Spend ManagementBy Advito senior director & global hotel practice leader Laura KustoFor many years, travel program success has been measured in savings. In an effort to simplify hotel program management, companies define success by the... KEEP READING

Should Flight Disruption Compensation from Airlines Go to Travelers or Their Employers?By Paxfour CEO Johan Fugmann & AirHelp CEO Henrik ZillmerThe CEOs of flight disruption compensation reclamation firms AirHelp and Paxfour offer their views as to whether flight disruption compensation from an... KEEP READING

Managing Disabled Business TravelersBy Drum Cussac global managing director Brandon ThompsonToo often, organizations are happy to tick the necessary boxes to cover themselves if something should go wrong for their travelers and overlook the... KEEP READING

Bigger Savings in Compliance Than in NegotiationsBy Travel Leaders Corporate president Gabe RizziToday's travel marketplace offers an array of choices. Airports are upgrading their facilities, access to lounges is expanding, ease of check-in is... KEEP READING

Travel Agency Sourcing: Don't Forget Data SecurityBy PCI Booking global business strategy head Jason PerharHow do you know your travel management company has a secure data environment? A simple assurance that "We take data security seriously" is not... KEEP READING

The Geopolitics Driving Traveler RiskBy Drum Cussac global managing director Brandon ThompsonEscalating geopolitical tensions have created a charged environment for business travelers, even in regions that traditionally have been considered... KEEP READING

A Different Take on Traveler Health & WellnessBy tClara managing partner Scott GillespieMental and physical health are important issues for road warriors and that high volumes of travel are correlated with a number of poor wellness... KEEP READING

The Quantified Impact of Business Travel on a Person's HealthBy Columbia University associate professor of epidemiology Andrew Rundle, DrPHResearch by my colleagues and me over the past several years shows that physical, behavioral and mental health issues cluster among employees who travel... KEEP READING

Balancing Cost Control & Employee ExperienceBy American Express Global Commercial Services' Global Client Group SVP & general manager Shane BerryT&E generally accounts for 10 to 15 percent of a company’s expense base, but the bottom line isn’t the only factor in travel policy. American Express... KEEP READING

Using Advanced Analytics to Save on HotelsBy Tripbam CEO Steve ReynoldsThe process by which companies obtain negotiated rates from hotels is broken and has been for years. Consultants are hired, RFPs are sent, discounts are... KEEP READING

Column: So You’ve Been Asked to Manage Travel. Now What?By Direct Travel VP and managing director of consulting Madia SargentTwenty years ago, an HR executive asked me how to evaluate the success of a managed travel program. As a result, I created a checklist of the components... KEEP READING

The Value of Meetings Management ProgramsBy Acquis Consulting principal & meetings management group head Shimon AvishMeetings management programs are under a lot of pressure to prove their value. They could be mature programs that have been delivering savings and... KEEP READING

Tax, VAT & Visas: What Connected Tech Ecosystems Can DoBy SAP Concur EMEA North managing director Chris BakerIn 2016, I heard of an experienced sales director running his company’s South African operations while traveling back and forth from that country and... KEEP READING