2017 U.S.-Booked Air Volume: $82 million
Consolidated U.S. TMC: BCD
Pharmaceutical giant GSK in 2017 increased its U.S.-booked
air travel spend less than 4 percent, according to a BTN estimate. Travel by
GSK's sales force, not including other forms of business travel by air or car,
accounted for about 147,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions,
down from about 150,000 in 2016. GSK's 2017 revenue increased by about 3
percent to about 30.2 billion pounds, applying a constant exchange rate, as the
company's pharmaceuticals, vaccines and consumer healthcare businesses each
showed growth. Selling, general and administration expenses increased from
about 9.4 billion pounds in 2016 to 9.7 billion in 2017; under constant
currency exchange levels, they declined 1 percent. The company at year-end 2017
employed about 98,500 people, down slightly from the 99,300 a year earlier. GSK
in June 2018 completed a $13 billion buyout of the 36.5 percent share held by
Novartis in a consumer healthcare joint venture between the two companies.