2017 U.S.-Booked Air Volume: $57.2 million
2017 Global Air Volume: $85.7
2017 U.S. T&E: $200.9 million
2017 Global T&E: $278 million
Principal U.S. Online Booking Tool:
Principal Non-U.S. Online Booking Tool:
Principal U.S. Expense Supplier:
Principal Non-U.S. Expense Supplier:
Principal Payment Supplier: American
Consolidated U.S. TMC: Amex GBT
Primary Non-U.S. TMCs: Amex GBT,
HRG, Bay Travel & Mohebi Aviation
IPG's U.S.-booked air volume dropped by $1.8 million in
2017. IPG predicts that volume will fall to $56.3 million this year. Fifty-six
percent of U.S.-booked airline tickets were for international travel.
Ninety-six percent of 2017 U.S.-booked air spend went through approved online
tools, and 96 percent of that was completed without agent assistance. The
company's corporate card program is individual bill/central pay.