Management 2024
A BTN data story created from 167 buyer-only
responses to the 2024 Meetings
Strategy Survey

BTN’s Meetings Strategy survey, fielded March 15 to April 5, showed a concerted push among organizations to get their hands around meetings activities—especially as smaller, more internal meetings have proliferated in a remote work world. How meetings strategy crosses with travel management—or not—can be seen in the following data story. Where does your company fall in this mix?
The Topic
Meetings Management Fitness Assessment
The Topline
90% of BTN survey respondents said they had some kind of meetings management activities in play.
The Takeaway
The vast majority of those organizations still are developing meetings programs in terms of policy, technology implementation and data analysis.

140 respondents

The Topic
Venue Sourcing Consistency
The Topline
Slightly more than half of survey respondents’ organizations are disciplined with formal RFPs when sourcing meeting venues.
The Takeaway
How much duty of care and/or cost leverage are companies losing when they don’t strategically source venues? Can they use preferred partners?
Does your organization use a formal RFP process or tech platform to source meeting venues?

126 respondents
126 respondents
Has your organization ever used transient travel and meeting spend together to increase your leverage with suppliers?

104 respondents
104 respondents
The Topic
Leveraging Combined Spend
The Topline
Nearly three-quarters of survey respondents had attempted joint transient and meetings negotiations with preferred suppliers.
The Takeaway
Unfortunately, the vast majority of those who attempt it say they are rebuffed by their partners; more than 10 percent don’t try because their suppliers won’t accept it.

"Our supplier doesn’t like to do it—because transient room rates are generally net rates and meetings rates usually include commission. The commission rates are part of the commercial model with agencies. But I provide transient rate guidance to our meetings team, and if I go to our hotel partners as the travel manager, I can usually get the lower rate.”
According to American Express Global Business Travel Meetings and Events' 2024 Global Meetings Forecast, 37 percent of client organizations said their small and simple meetings would see the most growth in attendee numbers in 2024. Amex GBT M&E gathered those projections in July 2023. Now that we’re in the thick of 2024, BTN has found that the trend lines for smaller meetings have emerged even stronger. We asked related questions in our March/April survey, and the majority of responding companies said they have more small meetings than ever and they plan to spend more on those meetings in 2024 than in 2023.
The Topic
Small Meetings, Big Opportunities
The Topline
Close to two-thirds of survey respondents said demand for smaller group travel, whether for internal or external meetings, had increased over 2019 levels.
The Takeaway
Establishing strategies to facilitate that travel type, serve the needs of the group once they are on location and control costs has been a common challenge for travel managers, and it’s crossing over with meetings.
Do you agree with the following statement: Compared with 2019, my organization in the past 18 months experienced an increase in trips associated with small group travel.

138 respondents

“The mix of meetings volume really changed at my company during and after the pandemic. We have so many people working remotely, and our company allows that, but teams still have the need to get together, build culture and collaborate on projects. So we are figuring out how to put policy and controls around that.”

The Topic
Small Meetings Haven’t Peaked
The Topline
More than 50 percent of survey respondents projected their organizations would spend even more on small meetings this year than they did last year.
The Takeaway
This higher volume raises the stakes for bringing smaller meetings under spend and policy management—whether that’s through the travel program or the meetings program, or as a joint initiative.
How do you expect your organization's expenditure on small meetings (< 50 attendees) in 2024 will change compared with 2023?

136 respondents
136 respondents
How companies are responding to the rise in small meetings

Put a Lid on It
43% attempting to limit travel for internal meetings

Provide Parameters
32% have a specific policy for small meetings
20% are developing one

Press Play on Tech
12% use a specialized simple meeting planning/management technology
(37% run small meetings through the same tech as large meetings)
From top to bottom: 63 respondents, 139 respondents, 130 respondents

Among companies that have specific small meetings policies...
40% have put the policy under the remit of the travel management team
35% have put the policy under the remit of the meetings team
43 respondents (who answered ‘yes’ to having a dedicated small meetings policy)

The Topic
Venue Sourcing for Small Meetings
The Topline
Small meetings policies prioritize onsite meeting locations and existing preferred hotels.
The Takeaway
Travel and meetings professionals may increasingly be working with facilities and human resources to ensure onsite spaces are included in planning workflows and booking tools
Does small meetings policy include requirements on how to source spaces and/or hotel rooms associated with the event?

43 respondents (answered ‘yes’ to having a dedicated small meetings policy)
43 respondents (answered ‘yes’ to having a dedicated small meetings policy)
Survey Respondent Base
Business Travel News’ 2024 Meetings Strategy Survey included 167 buyer-only respondents. Here’s a snapshot of those respondents:
Current Role

167 respondents
167 respondents
Current Travel Spend

157 respondents
157 respondents
Current Regions Under Management

167 respondents
167 respondents