2016 U.S.-Booked Air Volume: $94 million
Primary Card Supplier: American Express
Consolidated U.S. TMC: Amex GBT
Pharmaceutical giant Merck & Co.'s U.S.-booked air
spending increased in 2016, according to a BTN estimate. Worldwide sales for
Merck & Co., known outside the U.S. and Canada as MSD, were $39.8 billion,
an increase of 1 percent compared with 2015. For 2015, the most recent year for
which data was available, Merck & Co. generated 283,300 metric tons of
carbon dioxide equivalent, including air, rail, hotel, rental car use and
reimbursable employee driving mileage. That was an increase of 55 percent from
2014. To limit emissions, Merck & Co. encourages employees to use remote
conferencing, and its online booking tool includes rail options to promote
lower-emission travel. American Express Global Business Travel services Merck
& Co. travel in the Americas and Europe, while BCD Travel services the
Asia/Pacific region. Merck & Co. works with Amex GBT for strategic meetings
management services. Merck & Co. had about 68,000 employees at the end of
2016, about the same as a year prior.