2016 U.S.-Booked Air Volume: $83 million
Consolidated U.S. TMC: ATG
U.S.-booked air spend decreased in 2016 at global apparel
manufacturer and retailer Nike, according to a BTN estimate. Revenue for Nike's
2017 fiscal year which ended May 31, 2017, totaled $34.4 billion, up from $32.8
billion in fiscal 2016. Nike's fiscal year 2017 operating overhead expenses,
which include travel and meetings, increased less from $7.19 billion in fiscal
year 2016 to $7.22 billion. Nike's initial five-year contract with travel
management company ATG expired in December 2016; the companies have continued
the relationship this year. The TMC uses partners to service the account
outside the U.S. For the 12 months ending May 31, 2015—the most recent data
available—air generated 85,820 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent and
rental car use generated 1,560 metric tons. On May 31, 2017, Nike employed
74,400 worldwide, including those in retail and part-time positions, up from
70,700 one year earlier.