2019 U.S.-Booked Air Volume: $112 million
Primary Air Suppliers: American, United, Delta
Primary Hotel Suppliers: Marriott, Hilton, IHG
Primary Car Rental Supplier: Enterprise
Primary Global Online Booking Tool: Concur Travel
Primary U.S. Payment Supplier: Citi
Card Program: Individual Bill/Central Pay
Primary U.S. Expense Supplier: Internal system
Primary Global Expense Supplier: Concur
Primary Global Travel Risk Management Supplier: Internal system
Consolidated U.S. TMC: BCD Travel
Raytheon's U.S.-booked air volume in 2019 was $112 million, down one million from U.S.-booked air volume in 2018. The aerospace and defense company saw a $29.2 billion total revenue in 2019. The company reported no changes to its travel program in 2019. Thirty-eight percent of the Raytheon's U.S. volume was for domestic trips. About 71 percent of the company's bookings were done online, with 90 percent of those without agent assistance. In April 2020, Raytheon completed its merger with United Technologies Corporation, a contractor and conglomerate that manufactures aircraft engines, elevators, escalators and other products for both the consumer and military market. The two merged into a new entity named Raytheon Technologies. Raytheon travel team's top goal this is year is to merge its travel program with UTC. By the year end of 2020, UTC and Raytheon expect to have their travel polices combined into one global policy.