Dale Buckner, CEO, Global Guardian
it comes to combating cybercrime, there are three major challenges. First, this
is a global problem that is never going away and will only become more complex.
Second, there is not a single entity to date—from a government agency to a
Fortune 1,000 company in the United States—that has developed a full-proof
solution to this evolving equation. Finally, we have no real international
cyber enforcement policies in place to hold criminals accountable for their
actions. Some of the biggest failures have been the inability of businesses and
organizations to adequately protect their systems down to the end user, and
investing in the proper security and training of employees against cyber
threats. Addressing these vulnerabilities will be critical in 2022, not only as
corporate travel begins to see a resurgence but particularly as many workers
continue to work remotely.
2020, the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center reported close to 800,000 internet crime
complaints, a nearly 70 percent increase over 2019, with losses realized in
excess of $4.1 billion. Of those complaints, Business E-mail Compromise
schemes, phishing scams and ransomware incidents were among the most notable.
One of the main reasons for the increase in cybercrime has been the Covid-19
pandemic induced shift to remote work—which has created a ripe environment for
cyber criminals to exploit unsecure and vulnerable at-home networks. As the FBI’s
Cyber Engagement and Intelligence section chief David Ring explained in a webinar our company hosted last year on cybersecurity
trends, “the more access points, the greater the threat will be for the
actors.” By many benchmarks, remote work is here to
stay in some form and so this will continue to be a major vulnerability for
companies if they don’t take steps to address it quickly.
of whether employees are working from home or traveling on business, companies
that have the most sophisticated enterprise cybersecurity systems in place are
still at risk. One major weakness is that these platforms often fail to
adequately protect electronic devices outside of the physical office space. The
recent news that U.S. athletes heading to Beijing
next month to compete in the Winter Olympics are being advised smartly to leave
their personal cell phones at home and instead use “burner” phones illustrates
this point.
to this problem is a lack of employee education and training around end user
protection, including how to identify and address a ransomware or phishing
attack and how not to use public
wi-fi when out of the office. To illustrate how easy it is for an intrusion to
occur, a hacker can simply replicate a hotel’s wi-fi login page so that when
someone using the hotel wi-fi logs in with their name and room number, the
hacker sitting in the hotel lobby has just penetrated that device and opened up
a honey pot to bad actors. This can happen in any five-star hotel in any major
city around the world, in an instant.
scary to think that if a company is hacked today, the FBI has an extremely low
probability of prosecuting anyone. And, while the U.S. has made progress in
strengthening our nation’s cybersecurity, we have been playing a catch-up game
that has lasted over 30 years. But until we have enforcement policies with real
teeth, rogue nation states, cartels and hackers will continue to leverage
digital platforms to manipulate, steal and blackmail their way into the systems
of corporations, governments and individuals at an alarming scale. This isn’t
just a China or a Russia problem. It’s an everywhere problem.
our workforce more dispersed in 2022 than ever before, companies must invest
the time, effort and money to bolster their cybersecurity defenses, right down
to the end user by properly educating and training employees on how to secure
laptops, cellphones and other devices, while also ensuring at-home wi-fi and
routers are secure. A cybersecurity system that fails to account for the human
condition will ultimately fail. At that point a breach will occur, leaving a
company with a permanent black mark on its brand and even worse, possibly
putting it under for good. It’s not a question of if but when.