2016 SME Survey

1One-Third Report to Finance

For respondents who reported through procurement, 93 percent took on rate negotiations with suppliers. That compared with 77 percent of SME travel buyers who reported through finance and just 63 percent who reported through all other channels.

2016 SME Survey

2Time for Travel Management

Forty-four percent spent less than half their time managing travel. Yet, the vast majority assumed significant responsibilities: 82 percent set travel policy, 84 percent managed transient travel and/or meetings costs and 76 percent negotiated transient rates.

2016 SME Survey

3Jump in Agency-Booking Mandates

There was a considerable jump since 2015 in companies mandating use of a preferred travel agency. Last year, 56 percent of companies had such a policy in place at the start of the year and 11 percent intended to mandate the agency channel during the year for a total of 67 percent. With 2015 in the rearview mirror, the numbers show a larger mandate; 70 percent of SMEs require booking through the agency channel and 10 percent more plan to do so this year.

2016 SME Survey

4Most SME Policies Are Adapting

Traveler risk management, travel program globalization, the traveler experience and the sharing economy are motivating SME travel managers to adjust their policies.

2016 SME Survey

5Only 9 Percent Have No OBT Plans


Adoption of corporate online booking tools has reached 80 percent of the market if you include those companies that were implementing at the time of the survey. Less than 10 percent had no plans to introduce a booking tool. The increased availability of technology scaled to the needs of the small and midmarket has been key.

2016 SME Survey

6Most Use Online Expense Tools


Seventy-one percent of SMEs use or are implementing third-party online expense systems. Long-term cost savings associated with automating the booking and expense processes provide a strategic advantage. These kinds of adoption numbers, however, imply that online booking and expense tools have become a traveler expectation regardless of the size of the program.

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