Business Travel StakeholdersTo find out what stakeholders want in a corporate travel program, BTN spoke with travel managers and their leaders in the C-suite, finance, procurement, HR, security and IT departments.... Check It Out

The Distribution IssueEverything travel managers need to know as the pipes that pump content evolve.... Check It Out

Artificial IntelligenceTravel managers' perspective on AI via a survey and interviews; AI in action via case studies; its effect on booking, expense management and buyer-supplier relationships; and supplier initiatives across hotels, airlines and ground transportation, including self-driving cars.... Check It Out

Voice of the TravelerYour travelers are telling you what parts of the traveler experience offer the biggest opportunities to make them happier. Listen carefully.... Check It Out

Taking On Travel Risk Management65% of respondents to a BTN survey said their companies have increased attention to TRM in the past three years.... Keep Reading
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