2021 U.S.-Booked Air Volume: $41.7 million
2021 Global T&E: $150 million
Primary Global Payment Supplier: Citibank
Primary Global Expense Supplier: SAP
Primary Global Travel Risk Management Supplier: Crisis24
Consolidated U.S. TMC: Amex GBT
Amid continued office closures and reduced business travel
in 2021, the World Bank spent $41.7 million on U.S.-booked air travel in 2021,
slightly below 2020 levels and about a quarter of its total for 2019.
With additional approvals required for employee travel amid
the pandemic, the bank, which operates on a July-to-June fiscal year, last year
introduced an enhanced global trip request approval process. The World Bank
does little U.S. domestic travel, with about 95 percent of U.S.-booked flights
for international travel. Travel volumes have picked up again this year, and
the bank expects that travel will get closer to pre-pandemic levels within the
next 12 months.
American Express Global Business Travel is the bank’s
consolidated travel management company for the U.S. and also handles 70 percent
of bookings outside of the United States. BCD Travel handles about a quarter of
bookings outside of the U.S., and SOTC handles the remainder, out of India.
The World Bank also launched Concur’s online booking tool
this year.