2021 U.S.-Booked Air Volume: $9 million
Primary Global TMC: CWT
BTN estimates that U.S.-booked air volume at private equity and investment firm TPG fell from $110 million in 2019 to $28 million in 2020, and then hit $9 million in 2021. Total revenue for TPG shot up from $2.1 billion in 2020 to $5.0 billion in 2021, earned from assets under management of $114 billion, up 27 percent on 2020. Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions, entirely comprising business travel and commuting, were about 15,100 metric tons in 2019, amounting to 75 percent of total emissions. In 2020, that fell to about 2,300 tons, or 49 percent of total emissions. By 2021, Scope 3 had returned to 75 percent of total emissions, but this contribution amounted to only 4,125 tons.