2016 U.S.-Booked Air Volume: $78 million
Consolidated U.S. TMC: BCD Travel
U.S.-booked air spending at global financial services firm
UBS increased in 2016, according to a BTN estimate, even as companywide T&E
expenses declined. UBS spent 423 million Swiss francs (US$415 million) globally
on T&E in 2016, an 8 percent decline from 460 million Swiss francs in 2015.
Travelers flew 296,200 flight segments, up from 290,000 in 2015. Travelers flew
11,100 person-kilometers per full-time employee, up from 10,900 one year
earlier. UBS has offset all emissions related to business air travel since
2007. The company reported 67,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent as a
result of its 2016 air travel, down from 73,600 in 2015. It encourages remote
conferencing and high-speed rail to limit emissions. Operating revenue
decreased from 30.6 billion in 2015 to 28.3 billion Swiss francs. The company
had about 59,400 employees at the end of 2016, down slightly from one year