Rethinking Strategic MeetingsDirecting a strategic meetings management program in 2020 has been an exercise without precedent, as the COVID-19 pandemic all but shut down face-to-face meetings in many world regions. It’s a situation that even the most skilled and experienced practitioner couldn’t possibly have foreseen in designing and deploying an SMM program. Yet, practitioners have found that some of the core tenants of SMM — centralized events calendar, standardized, if not centralized contracts, duty of care and reporting — have proven invaluable as they navigated the rapid changes in 2020. Others identified opportunities to refine policies, practices, data, reporting and services.
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How Can Hotels Best Serve Managed Travel in a Socially Distant World?Months after the
shock of the abrupt global shutdown of business travel as the pandemic
spread through every corner of the world, travel managers, travelers and
hoteliers are trying to figure out how best to work together for the eventual
return to travel. While muted demand and continued government travel
restrictions remains in most areas, some business travelers appear ready to hit
the road again, and an increasing number of hoteliers are ready to welcome them
back with safety and distancing measures in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.
This white paper is designed to spotlight hoteliers’ role in building would-be
business travelers’ confidence in the safety of travel suppliers’ offerings and
working with travel managers
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Beyond Hotel Payment: Why Virtual Cards are Being Adopted Across Corporate Travel ProgramsHappier travelers. Smarter data. Reduced fraud. Lower admin costs. More and more businesses have reaped the many advantages of paying for travel through virtual cards in recent years. All these benefits are gained when paying for any kind of business travel transaction. Yet, to date, virtual cards have paid overwhelmingly for just one category: transient hotel. But that is changing as non-hotel payments shot up 35 percent in 2020.... Keep Reading
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